
Embracing Change: Kiser Group’s Mid-Market Summit Explores the Future of Chicago Real Estate

Kiser Group recently hosted its annual Mid-Market Summit, a gathering that brought together commercial real estate owners, investors, industry experts, and government officials for an evening of insightful discussions and networking. This year’s summit carried particular significance due to the uncertainties surrounding the transition to a new mayoral administration in the City of Chicago. With an esteemed panel of experts representing various sectors, the discussions centered around the pressing question of “What’s Next?” for the city’s real estate landscape.

Guests mingle at the bar before dinner.

Panelists Reflecting Diverse Perspectives

The panel discussion featured a diverse range of industry experts, each offering unique insights and perspectives on the future of Chicago’s multifamily real estate. Marisa Novara, Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Housing, provided valuable insights into the city’s housing policies and initiatives. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, Zoning Committee Chairman and Alderman of the Chicago 35th Ward, shared his expertise on zoning regulations and their impact on the local multifamily properties.

Sam Goldman, Principal of Arbor Investment Management, LLC, brought a private sector perspective to the table, offering insights on investment strategies and market trends. Steve Thomas, CEO of 5T Management, shared his extensive experience in property management, shedding light on operational challenges and opportunities. The panel discussion was moderated by Michael Glasser, President of the Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance, ensuring a vibrant and productive conversation.

The discussion panel. From left to right: Marisa Novara, Steve Thomas, Sam Goldman, & Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa.

Navigating Uncertainties in Chicago’s Real Estate Landscape

As the new mayoral administration takes charge in Chicago, the city’s real estate industry is facing uncertainties and concerns. The recent Mid-Market Summit served as a platform for investors to express their apprehensions, while government officials shared their plans to address these issues. Several important points were raised during the event, notably by Steve Thomas and echoed by Sam Goldman.

Thomas and Goldman highlighted that while government housing and affordability initiatives are well-intended, they have only achieved limited success when confronted with the free market. Additionally, many existing programs primarily cater to larger, institutional owners who possess the necessary resources and expertise to navigate them effectively. However, for neighborhood building owners, who constitute a significant portion of the city’s housing stock, these programs are often unfeasible and fail to cover expenses associated with building maintenance and management.

Despite these challenges, there is a glimmer of hope. The newly appointed Zoning Committee Chairman, Alderman Ramirez-Rosa, and incumbent Commissioner Marisa Novara acknowledged the local government’s awareness of these issues and expressed their commitment to developing meaningful programs for residents. This recognition from key officials raises optimism for the future of Chicago’s real estate landscape.

Although it is still early in the new Johnson administration, the ongoing discussions and the willingness to collaborate with private housing providers indicate a positive direction towards finding effective solutions. The hope remains that these dialogues and partnerships will continue to drive positive change in the city’s real estate industry.

Lee Kiser, Principal of Kiser Group, emphasized the importance of gathering different perspectives during times of change, stating, “This year’s Mid-Market Summit has been a crucial opportunity for us to come together, share our insights, and collectively identify many of the challenges ahead. Collaboration among industry experts and representatives from the City is necessary to shape a future that benefits all. The panel discussion at the Mid-Market Summit was a meaningful step in that direction.”

Guests, including former panel moderator Stacie Young, network after the panel discussion.

A Platform for Collaboration and Insight

Kiser Group extended its gratitude to The Dalcy for hosting the event, recognizing their contribution to the success of the Mid-Market Summit. The support of sponsors, including Walker & Dunlop, Xfinity Communities, Fidelity National Title, and 3F Construction, was also acknowledged for their dedication to the summit’s mission.

As the new mayoral administration takes charge, the summit served as a catalyst for shaping the future of Chicago’s real estate landscape, emphasizing the importance of inclusive dialogue and collective action.


Kiser Group Staff